The Downtown Arts District’s “Break 4 Art” Program offers a unique entertainment experience, bringing live music and street performance in various downtown locations. Break 4 Art encourages experienced street performers and emerging artists and provides a unique opportunity where they can display their talents. The Program’s primary goal is to strengthen and expand the identity and presence of arts, culture, and entertainment offerings in Downtown Orlando, an ever-growing cultural destination.

This is a 17-week pilot program that will run from November 23, 2021 - June 30, 2022. No performances will occur on holidays, unless specified, due to the drop in foot traffic and road closures.

For information, please contact

Days & Performance Times

Performances will occur once per day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of every week, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Seaside Plaza by Discover Downtown (Orange Ave. and Church St.)
More locations TBA

Type of Allowed Performance

Performances will be determined and curated by the Downtown Arts District's Break 4 Art Performance Selection Committee. They may include an array of arts from juggling to acoustical music. No noise amplification is allowed, unless approved by the selection committee and a permit is secured.

Stipend for Performers/Artists

Each artist will be paid a $100.00 stipend per session.

Are performers allowed to accept tips? YES! The Downtown Arts District will provide performers with a large tip bucket that includes a sign that says TIPS WELCOME. The sign will also include the performer's Venmo handle. Performers are not permitted to ask for tips, but tips can be accepted in a passive manner.

All interested performers/artists must apply through the application below. All applications will be reviewed by the Break4Art selection committee. Upon performer selection, which will be based on specific, documented criteria, each artist will have a background check and sign an employment agreement with DAD on the performer’s role and responsibilities, including terms for termination.

Interested in becoming a Break 4 Art artist? Apply here.

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